Duties and Functions of Traffic Department
The main functions of Traffic Department are as follows:
- allocating of berth for vessels calling Yangon Port
- unloading and storage of imported cargoes temporarily
- loading export cargoes in accordance with ship’s stowage plan
- to auction undelivered cargoes
- supplying cargoes handling equipments and operators
- providing fresh water
- to recruit and train workers and assign stevedores
- leasing land and buildings owned by Myanma Port Authority
- to levy charges and dues from the port users
- ensuring safety and security of persons and properties within port area
Organization and Establishment Division
The duties of the division are as follows:
- recruitment and training of employees and managing personnel affairs
- laying down disciplines which port users must follow
- analyzing key performance indicators such as berth occupancy, productivity
- compiling the statements of account for levying charges.
Import/Export Division
The duties of the division are as follows:
- storage of import cargoes at the yard and transit sheds and after that deliver to the consignees
- assisting pilots in mooring/unmooring
- performing necessary actions to preserve berths and transit sheds
- issuing working instructions and by-laws for the operation which must be abide
- providing landing certificates and short landed certificates
- compilation of auction list in which cargoes are lying undelivered over two months
- supplying fresh water to sea going vessels
Labour Division
The duties of the division are as follows:
- recruiting the labours for port operation
- assigning dock labours and stevedores on daily basis
- undertaking necessary measures concerning social security, benefit and welfare for labours
- opening refresher courses to enhance capacity building
Equipment Division
The responsibilities of the division are as follows:
- providing cargo handling equipments for loading/unloading and delivery of goods.
- hiring equipments for port operation
- maintaining and repairing the cargo handling equipments
- training for handling cargo equipments properly
Land and Foreshore Division
The responsibilities of the division are as follows:
- managing and supervising for leasing warehouses/godowns, land and residential buildings
- allocating and controlling the inland vessels to pontoon or fixed jetties along the foreshore area
- collecting charges and dues for using port facilities
Security Division
The functions of the division are as follows:
- ensuring the safety and security of persons, properties and vessels berthing at the terminals
- checking and allowing the goods passing through the gates according to the documents
- cooperating with the relevant departments in case of crime
- complying ISPS Code
Clean and Green Division
The functions of the division are as follows:
- cleaning the garbage and sewage within the port area
- greening of the port area and maintaining landscape