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Responsibilities of IR and HRD Department

(a)     Progress Coordination Division

  1. Supporting and coordinating the development and coordination with Regional and international organizations, Business organizations, Port development project and loan/ aids plans. ။
  2. Support for negotiation and implementation of agreements, business, technical and information cooperation and Bilateral and Multilateral MOU.
  3. Managing support for improved communication and accessibility of Regional and international ports and shipping in logistics sector.
  4. Coordinating and hosting ASEAN meetings and seminars.
  5. Support and nominate to local and international Human Resource Development Training For capacity building of staffs.
  6. Training and supervision to support Port Operation, Management and Sustainable Development in MPA.
  7. Policies for the continuous development of the port industry and enhancing regional competitiveness, conducting regular analysis and research on the international situation to support business and marketing strategies and tactics.

(b)     Information Technology Division

  1. Effective use of information technology as a key driver to facilitate port operations and management operations.
  2. Development of Information Management Support Software, Applications with cooperation of internal staff and others technical support organizations.
  3. Manage with related departments to build an integrated online system that can connect the whole port business as port community system. Responsible for coordinating inter-organizational services and participating in the National Single Window system for information exchange and retrieval. Report findings and estimates of data collection and perform statistical data analyzes.
  1. Carrying out the Network and System Engineer
  2. Upgrading operation and maintenance of Connected Networks and Hardware/ Software.

Duties and Function

The main duty of  the  Store’s Department  is to get  the main and  spare

materials of limited kind within limited time and low price for Myanmar Port


The functions of the store’s Department are as follows –

(1)       Planning and Administration of office works.

(2)       Procurement of goods from domestic and foreign.

(3)       Storage and Issue of goods.

(4)       Making Auction.


Responsibilities of Personnel Department 

  1. Carrying out administrative and management of Myanmar Port Authority.
  2. Recruitment of required staff and maintaining records for Myanmar Port Authority.
  3. Salaries and wages for all staff and maintain work records of Myanmar Port Authority.
  4. Calculation of pension benefits for all staff of Myanmar Port Authority.
  5. Establishment of Central Motor Transport Pool for transporting staffs.
  6. For all staff of Myanmar Port Authority Social Security, Life insurance Provides welfare services such as housing and counseling on staffing matters.
  7. For all staff of Myanmar Port Authority discipline, punishment, advising other department heads on promotion and participation in training.

Myanma  Port  Authority (Account Department)

Financial  Management of Ports


The Task of management is to:

(1)    Set aims and objectives              (5)   Co –ordinate

(2) Plan                                                (6)Control

(3) Initiate                                            (7)Measure

(4) Communicate                                 (8) Assess

(9) Re-plan of necessary

In order to   carry  out these duties ,and achieve the objectives set for the port , managers must plan for the future and not respond solely to events as they occur . They must be creative in approach , identify opportunities well in advance and so react in a way most beneficial to the port and the community .

Financial planning for the future can be divided into three main areas :

1 ) Short –term  profit planning –usually for one year ahead – the Revenue Budget .

2)Long – term planning , perhaps  covering 10 or 15 years , including the  construction and

Purchase of capital or major assets –capital budgeting.

3) Cash budgeting , which involves scheduling future inflows and outflows of cash arising  from

(1)and (2) above as well as the borrowing and repayment of loans ,sale of major assets etc.

in the following pages we cover only the aspects of short – term profit planning and cash budgeting , as  the long  – term planning is comprehensively discussed in other UNCTAD publications.

Profit planning over a number of years can be scheduled in such a manner that , for example , in a five – year budget , as each separate year passes , that year is dropped from the budget ,  year number 5 becomes year number 4 , and another budget year ,year 6 ,enters  the schedule as year 5 . This is called a rolling budget.


Services in Mechanical Engineering Department

  • Our prime task is to keep on port services to run regularly.
  • Ships building and repair of vessels using in various port services such as navigating, dredging, mooring, fresh-water supply, towing and fire-fighting.
  • New construction and repair of navigation buoys and mooring buoys.
  • Maintenance and repair of containers and general cargo handling cranes, forklifts, towing tractors, prime-movers and trailers.
  • Maintenance and repair of vehicles and machineries.
  • Maintenance and repair of electrical and electronic apparatus of vessels, cargo handling equipments and port machinery.
  • Installation, maintenance and repair of electrical appliances and electricity supply for port terminals, yards, warehouses and office buildings.
  • Taking measure of afloat repair services on seagoing ships, to and from the harbours.
  • Maintenance and repair of vessels machineries and electrical components using in outports
  • Doing periodically survey on non-propelled boats and cargo barges.
  • Construction and repairing of vessels and buoys according to the orders given by government or other outside parties.

Mechanical Engineering Department is carrying out the duties with three dockyards and three divisions as follows:

  • Theinbyu Dockyard
  • Angyi Dockyard
  • Setsan Dockyard
  • Electrical Division
  • Planning & Works Division
  • Vessels Maintenance and Repair Division


Theinbyu Dockyard

Location-         No. (559), Stand Road, Seikkan Township.

Area    –           Length (780)ft, Breadth (675)ft, Area (10.4) acres

History of Theiphyu Dockyard

  • In 1920 there where workshops and slipways for repairing and maintenance of service boats carried out by Executive Engineer (Mechanical).
  • Since 1.1.1946, Mechanical Engineering Department has been as an independent department. It was composed of dockyard for repairing and maintenance of own vessels, vehicles and machineries, work sections, electrical engineering section, flotilla engineering section and crane repairing and maintenance section.
  • Dockyard and works section became Theinbyu Dockyard.


  • Docking and repairing of ships up to 150 – Ton from Myanma Port Authority and outside parties.
  • Construction and repairing of mooring buoys and navigating light buoys.
  • Repairing and maintenance of cargo handling equipments and other supporting gears.
  • Repairing and maintenance of vehicles and machineries.
  • Producing and distribution of oxygen and acetylene gas.
  • Building of ships (medium/small size), cargo barges and buoys being given orders from government and outside parties.


Shipway No. Shipway Carriage Size Docking Capacity
Length Breadth Draught Tonnage Measurement of vessel
Meter Feet Meter Feet Meter Feet Length Breadth Draught
1 24.4 80.03 6.0 19.68 1.2 3.94 150 120’ 30’ 3.94’
4 36.5 119.72 8.0 26.24 1.5 4.92 150 180’ 38’ 4.92’
5 14.0 45.92 3.7 12.14 1.0 3.28 25 50’ 14’ 3.28’
6 29.3 96.10 8.2 26.90 1.5 4.92 150 90’ 25’ 4.92’


Gas Production Plants

Oxygen Plant Model SCP -50
Production Capacity 50 cu-meter per hour
Year of Commissioning 1986
Acetylene plant Model 925
Production Capacity 25 cu-meter per hour
Year of Commissioning 1986

Angyi Dockyard

Location           –           Angyi, Dalla Township

Area                –           Length (900)ft, Breadth (700)ft, Area (15) acres

History of Angyi Dockyard

  • Once a subsidiary dockyard of Bombay Burma Co.
  • Transferred to Caramic Industry Enterprise from Bombay Burma Co. on 1.4.66.
  • Road and Transport Department received on 1.10.66.
  • On 16.12.68, it was controlled by the Rangoon Port Management Committee and became one of the dockyards under Mechanical Engineering Department.


  • Docking and repairing ships up to 150 Ton of Myanma Port Authority and other Organization.
  • In case of emergency, carrying out afloat repair duties on seagoing vessels entered Port of Yangon.
  • Building of new vessels (medium/small size) and cargo barges on orders from government and others.


Shipway No. Shipway Carriage Size Docking Capacity
Length Breadth Draught Tonnage Measurement of vessel
Meter Feet Meter Feet Meter Feet Length Breadth Draught
1 16.8 55.11 4.0 13.12 1.0 3.28 30 20’ 15’ 3.28’
2 16.8 55.11 4.0 13.12 1.0 3.28 30 20’ 15’ 3.28’
3 30.5 100.04 5.5 18.04 1.0 3.28 100 100’ 30’ 3.28’
4 30.5 100.04 6.0 19.68 1.5 4.92 150 180’ 32’ 4.92’

Satsan Dockyard

Location :        No(578), Upper Pazundaung Road (Setsan), Mingalartaungnyunt Township.

Area    :           Length (770) ft, Breadth (369) ft, Area (6.134) acres.

History of Setsan Dockyard

  • Once, Khan dry dock, first owned by private entrepreneur Mr.RR Khan.
  • Rangoon Port Management Committee accepted from owner of origin by paying 145, 496.25 Kyats on 15.7.64.
  • Transferred to Navy on 1.6.90.
  • Received it back from Navy on 9.8.2002 and one of the dockyards under Mechanical Engineering Department.


  • In drydock, repairing of hull and machinery parts of dredgers, pilot vessels, buoys handling vessels, and  towing vessels.
  • Afloat repair of major vessels.
  • Docking and repairing of ships from government and outside parties.


  • Drydock measurement                  –           Length (243) ft, Breadth (58) ft, Depth (16ft-6
  • Docking capacity(Vessel’s size)     –           Length (225) ft, Breadth (46) ft, Draught (13)ft,

Tonnage (1400)ton

Electrical Division


  • Repairing and maintenance of vessels, vehicles and cargo handling equipments using in Myanma Port Authority.
  • Repairing and maintenance of electrical works on wharves, warehouses and buildings.
  • Repairing and maintenance of electronic gadgets.
  • 24 hours services on cargo handling equipments to get no breakdown in Traffic operation.

Planning and Works Division


  • Implementing planning, staff and training in Mechanical Engineering Department.
  • Carry out management related operation to general administration of whole Department of Mechanical Engineering and its works and administrator.
  • Arrange orders for necessary equipments, purchasing, storing and issue for divisions and  dockyards under Mechanical Engineering Department.

Vessels Maintenance Division


  • Regular inspection and maintenance of machine parts on major and other vessels of Myanma Port Authority.
  • To make arrangement for the requirement, order the spare parts on requisition for major and other vessels of Myanma Port Authority.

News and Announcement

Announcements related to ship repairing are issued monthly from Mechanical Engineering Department.

Contact us

Address           –           No.559, Strand Road , Seikkan Township, Yangon.

Phone              –           95-1-8610219, 95-1-8610225

Email                – 


Duties and Responsibilities

Civil Engineering Department is taking of works, related to the smooth operation of traffic flow such as construction and maintenance of wharves, road, retaining walls, buildings and other related civil infrastructures.

Maintenance Divison

Maintenance Division is responsible for maintenance, repair and renewal of pontoon jetties, wharves, slipways, offices, warehouse, godowans, water supply and sanitation facilities, training walls, revetments and navigation related facilities.

Construction Division

Construction Division is responsible for implementation of capital work and minor work.

Work Division

Work Division is responsible for construction of  long term and short term civil engineering projects, minor work, retaining wall and  outside party jobs.

Outport  Division

Outport Division is responsible for maintenance, repair and renewal of building, retaining walls, revetment, slipways, navigation related facilities and outside party job at the 8 outports.

Planning & Admin Division

Planning & Admin Division is responsible for collection of required data for the implementation of long term and short term projects, checking and analysising the ongoing works and estimate budget, design and drawing of the projects, recommendation and  comments of the port civil engineering point of views.

Survey Division

Survey Division is responsible for hydrographic survey, land survey work within the port limit, and location of the navigation buoy

Dredging Division

Dredging Division is responsible for management and operation work of grab dredger infront of the jetty and wharf areas and outside party dredging jobs.

Establishment ,Duties and Functions of Marine Department



Function s of Marine Department

Carrying  out  the marine essential services for vessels calling to  or departure from the Port Limit.

Issuing the regulations concerned in all vessels which are using port limit area to provide move safety and monitoring them to abide by such regulations

Pilotage  Service –     There is one of the services  Providing  Pilots  to the Vessels  which  inter to or Leave from Yangon Port  to be  safety .

Aids to Navigation  service

Laying  down  light buoy , navigational buoy  and marker buoy  for the purpose of channel   Safety.

Navigation Service by Lighthouses and  light-ship along the coastal  area and  Myanmar’s  sea for the purpose of  navigation.

Mooring Service

Laying down the mooring buoys

Providing Mooring Gaing  While the vessels are Mooring in mooring buoy or unmooring from mooring buoy

Laying down the navigational lightbuoy

Diving & Salvage Service

Removing and Clearing the obstacles sinking in  water channel

Diving Service for under water inspection of vessels if call for

Salvage the navigational equipments sinking in water channel

Tug Service

Tug service by the Tug boat of MPA  for calling vessels to be safe in turning and moving

Providing Tow service  while the vessels call for emergence towing service

Following up and Guarding to the vessels which demand to guard along the channel

Launch Boat Service

carrying out  the transportation service  to the vessels which demand  transport activities

carrying out transportation  and  survey  work  for  MPA

Provide maintenance  of water way channel within port limit area

To provide sufficient depth and width of water way channel in port limit, carrying out dredging and other necessary measures in cooperate with Dredging Division of Civil  Engineering Department

Water Supply

Fresh water Supply to the Vessels by water bergs of MPA

Communication   service

Providing in time information service assigned   by   24  hours duty to interact among those vessels, shore and MPA’s ships

Duties  And  Functions  Of  SAD

  • Acceptance of  Agency  Appointment
  • Sending and asking proforma estimated  port  Disbursement Account (D/A)  to  ship  owner / operator / charterer
  • Booking  pilot  to  entry  of  the  vessel
  • Making  Berthing   arrangement
  • Arranging  to  handle import  and export     cargoes
  • Doing ship’s husbandry matter
  • Issuing Delivery  Order
  • Arranging to get Port clearance


Other  Services  Provided by SAD

  • Disposal  of  Sludge
  • Disposal  of  Gray Water
  • Disposal  of  Garbage
  • Supply  of  Fresh  Water
  • Supply of Provision
  • Supply of  Dunnage
  • Supply  of  Marine Diesel Oil
  • Ship  Repair
  • Crew  Sign  on / Sign off  and  other  matters


Procedure  for  Vessel  on Pre-Arrival

  • Taking  confirm  eta  from  master
  • Checking whether  port  D/A  received  or  not
  • Tender  notice  of  Readiness  for  loading / discharging
  • Declaration on  berthing  list
  • Checking ship  Documents
  • Checking cargo documents of consignee/ Shipper
  • Making arrangement for berthing


Procedure for Vessel on Arrival

  • Documents collected from ship on arrival:
  • Last port clearance
  • Copy of  bill of lading/ import cargo manifest/ stowage plan
  • Ship’s particular
  • General declaration
  • Crew list
  • Ship’s stores declaration (engine store list/ deck store list/ provision store list/  bonded store list )
  • Cargo declaration
  • Crew’s effects declaration (Crew personal effect and currency list )
  • Passenger list
  • Dangerous goods  manifest (if any)
  • Arms & ammunition  list
  • Maritime declaration of Health
  • Vaccination list
  • Port itinerary list (including last port of call) or  voyage  memo



Procedure  for  Vessel on  Departure

  • Following documents are needed  for  ship departure
  • Ship’s  registers and documents
  • M/R , Export  Manifest , to  the  ship
  • Port  clearance
  • Immigration  Clearance
  • Traffic  Clearance
  • Quarantine  Clearance
  • Getting  eta  from the  master  for  the next  port  of  call/  departure  to  inform  ship’s  owner/ Operator/  Charter
  • Voyage  report


Procedure for After Vessel Departure

  • Making  Final  Settlement  of  Account
  • Preparing time sheet / statement of facts
  • Issuing  Bill  of  Lading
  • Making voyage  report  and   Special  report  (if any)


Duties and Functions of Traffic Department

The main functions of Traffic Department are as follows:

  • allocating of berth for vessels calling Yangon Port
  • unloading and storage of imported cargoes temporarily
  • loading export cargoes in accordance with ship’s stowage plan
  • to auction undelivered cargoes
  • supplying cargoes handling equipments and operators
  • providing fresh water
  • to recruit and train workers and assign stevedores
  • leasing land and buildings owned by Myanma Port Authority
  • to levy charges and dues from the port users
  • ensuring safety and security of persons and properties within port area


Organization and Establishment Division

The duties of the division are as follows:

  • recruitment and training of employees and managing personnel affairs
  • laying down disciplines which port users must follow
  • analyzing key performance indicators such as berth occupancy, productivity
  • compiling the statements of account for levying charges.


Import/Export Division

The duties of the division are as follows:

  • storage of import cargoes at the yard and transit sheds and after that deliver to the consignees
  • assisting pilots in mooring/unmooring
  • performing necessary actions to preserve berths and transit sheds
  • issuing working instructions and by-laws for the operation which must be abide
  • providing landing certificates and short landed certificates
  • compilation of auction list in which cargoes are lying undelivered over two months
  • supplying fresh water to sea going vessels


Labour Division

The duties of the division are as follows:

  • recruiting the labours  for port operation
  • assigning dock labours and stevedores on daily basis
  • undertaking necessary measures concerning social security, benefit and welfare for labours
  • opening refresher courses to enhance capacity building


Equipment Division

The responsibilities of the division are as follows:

  • providing cargo handling equipments for loading/unloading and delivery of goods.
  • hiring equipments for port operation
  • maintaining and repairing the cargo handling equipments
  • training for handling cargo equipments properly


Land and Foreshore Division

The responsibilities of the division are as follows:

  • managing and supervising for leasing warehouses/godowns, land and residential buildings
  •  allocating and controlling  the inland vessels to pontoon or fixed jetties along the foreshore area
  • collecting charges and dues for using port facilities


Security Division

The functions of the division are as follows:

  • ensuring the safety and security of persons, properties and vessels berthing at the terminals
  • checking and allowing the goods passing through the gates according to the documents
  • cooperating with  the relevant departments in case of crime
  • complying  ISPS Code


Clean and Green Division

The functions of the division are as follows:

  • cleaning the garbage and sewage within the port area
  • greening of the port area and maintaining landscape